Passivhaus Automated Cooling

Passivhaus Automated Cooling

2023-06-08 / Multihome

Automation of systems that influence refrigeration

When building a house or building within the passive concept, where a study, investment and execution of an efficient construction model have been carried out, it is essential that the control of the systems that are included in the house or building is also highly efficient.

A manual control of blinds or the refrigeration system may not be optimal and incur in situations where there is an unnecessary energy cost or a situation of discomfort for the inhabitants. Next, we show you the main objectives of the automation of these refrigeration systems.

100% autonomous blinds

One of the main objectives is to minimize consumption, with the automation of external sun protection elements, we manage to make them behave autonomously according to the different situations during the day, allowing to obtain an optimal temperature and cooling of the Passivhaus suitable for each occasion.

In addition, the brightness and outside temperature at all times are also taken into account. In this way, if the day is cloudy, the sun does not penetrate inside the house and, therefore, there is no excessive rise in temperature, which allows the blinds to remain open and the external awning does not unfold. .

Double flow ventilation system with heat recovery

By integrating into the Loxone automation system, it allows its operation to be optimal, the powers are adapted depending on the outside and inside temperature according to the presence of people in each room. In addition, if we have a renewable energy system such as photovoltaic solar panels, the operation and power are automatically adapted according to the energy we have.

When outdoor temperatures are lower than indoor temperatures, the automation system itself is the one that activates the ventilation rather than activating the active cooling system, since the objective is to reach a certain target temperature with minimal energy and economic resources.

Renewable power generation system

According to the Passivhaus certification, it will be necessary to incorporate a renewable energy generation system. The Loxone automation system makes it possible to manage the energy that is produced to direct it to the consumers that are established as priority, and also manage the surpluses to use the excess energy to reduce subsequent energy expenditure.

The own production of energy or its surplus can also be used to optimize the cost of the Passivhaus air conditioning and refrigeration system or take advantage of it to charge the electric car at the power automatically adapted according to the amount of energy available.